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Afternoon tea

Date: January 18, 2025

Synopsis: Mari had come to visit Penelope after a long absence from each other. They both sat down for an afternoon chat over some tea. Their following conversation has been logged below.  

(The sound of liquid being poured into a container can be heard. this followed by sounds of porcelain clanking)

(A radio-like male voice can be heard speaking)

???: "I do must apologize for the sudden intrusion Penny, but                   there's been so much I've dying to talk to you about since                  forever ago." 

(A soft-spoken voice from a female replies to their comment)

Penelope: "Oh, no need to fret on that Mari! Although, a short                            notice would've been nice."
                    "The only thing I was able to prepare in time was a pot                        of Jasmine tea."
                      "Let me know if the sweetness is just right, and I'm                              pretty sure I have some cookies in the back from                                last week that I can go grab."
                       "You're a fan of chocolate chips, correct?"

Mari: "OH, NOnonono! There's no need to over work yourself,                    you've done enough already in such little time."

(The gentleman can be heard taking a light sip from what is assumed to be a teacup in logical terms)

Mari: "Besides, you always nail your tea recipes."
          "This cup already feels like a home with a beautiful bouqet                 as the table centerpiece."

(A small chuckle can be heard from elegant pâtissier)
Penelope: "Well, I won't argue, but my offer still stands"

Mari: "Oh, you are just too kind Penny!"

Penelope: "It's the least I can do."

(Another teacup can be heard being filled)

Penelope: "Well let's not dawdle while we sit."
                  "You did say there were matters that couldn't be kept                          secret no longer, right?"

Mari: "Oh my god, YESSS! this past week has been SOO busier than any other."

(More porcelain can be heard clanking)

Penelope: "Why of course, you wouldn't just leave your theater                           looking like the poorer sides of the 1700s now, would                         you?"

Mari: "WOW, I feel so hurt by your words Penny, but not as                           painful as being on points 24/7, couldn't be me though."

(someone can be heard taking a sip from their tea)

Penelope: "Just when I thought you couldn't get more 
                    cunning with your jokes, I am then proven wrong by
                     the literal dummy themselves."

Mari: "Oh, that was a joke?"
           "Oh, I'm only kidding, but it's nice to know you haven't
             changed a bit."

Penelope: " I can sadly say the same for you, but who else can
                      I be this honest to in a place like this."

Mari: "that you aren't wrong about."

(noises of Mari sipping can be heard)

Mari: "The only other people I would have to talk to if it were just                me would be a literal child or a blob of agony,
            and frankly, none of those conversations would end well
            for me." 

Penelope: "Oh don't be so insolent, Laura is a delight to have

Mari: "Oh, I don't mean it like that." 
            "I enjoy Laura's bubbliness; it's just the topics we talk
              about here aren't meant for a child."

Penelope: "I see your point, but please tell me you haven't                                  ridiculed the child, Mari."

Mari: "GOODNESS NO, I would never do that to her!"
           "if I did, I might well dig myself a deeper hole than the one               I'm already in!"

Penelope: "Very well then, that's less dirty work I would have to                           do."

(sipping can be heard)

Mari: "I won't' argue with that."
          "Anyways, you should stop by some day and come see the
          "I think these renovations are some of my best work"
          "And hell, I write tragedies for a living!"

Penelope: "I'll be the judge of that when I see for myself."
                   "I'll have to make plans to visit Lucella Theater 
                    when I'm free from my books." 

Mari: "Oh, haven't you stepped outside?"
          "We both got relocated in the same area."

(Someone can be heard spitting)

Penelope: "REALLY?!?!!"
                   "Wow, I've been buried in paperwork for at least a                              fortnight if I haven't noticed that"

Mari: "I know it's crazy, isn't it"
          "I always like exploring the new areas to get a feel for the                  place."
           "To see if its really giving, end of the world vibes"
           "Then I saw your bakery along with the daycare, and all of                   sudden this felt like your average work place 

Penelope: "Interesting how he only just now decided to keep us                          close."
                    "Have you heard any reasons relating to this"
Mari: "I asked the big boss the other day, but steered                                   conversation towards our future plans."

Penelope: "He's probably taking extra precaution for future 
                   "I won't criticize his actions, for what happened made                         us lose an abundance of valuable time"
Mari: "I have my doubts in his plans sometimes"

Penelope: "Why must you?"
                   "He's simply doing what's best for our mission."

Mari: "Well, it's quite strange, don't you think?"
           "Like how he would go on to make such a bold move                         without checking in on his Librarian, and not once discuss                 what's at stake.""
Penelope: "You must be thinking irrationally."
                   "He only has good intentions for those who treat him                         well with respect and loyalty"
Mari: "Penelope, you do realize I'm speaking of outside forces, 

Penelope: "Well, now that you bring that to light."
                   "I think you may have a point..., BUT surely it was                                 something that was really threatening ou-"

Mari:   "You know, I have a little theory myself."
            "He was hyper fixated on that one mortal before all hell
              broke loose..."
             "What was their occupation... OH right, a local detective."
            "So, wouldn't it make sense if-"          

Penelope:  "THAT'S JUST MUTINY."

                   "Ahem... excuse me."
                   "I told him it wasn't worth wasting our resources on 
                    them, but he was hesitant when complying."     
                   "I suggested it was best to leave them alone and focus
                     on building up on our strengths and resources."
                    "How is a small bottle going to ruin everything?"

Mari: "You know, one of my puppets even got word that 
            he himself spoke to this mere mortal before the 
          "That must've been the last straw for dear savoir himself."

Penelope: "So, his reckless tantrum lead to a halt in our plans."
Mari: "Oh don't be so bitter Penny, like you haven't had the same 
            situation yourself."

Penelope: "Of course not!"
                   "Some of us have more maturity than others."

Mari: "Oh, don't go acting like it didn't happen."

Penelope: "Pardon?"

Mari: "You know exactly what case I'm reffering to."

Penelope: "I haven't got a clue."

Mari: "Sure, so the name Sierra won't ring a bell."

(a large crash can be heard.)

(There is a minute of silence before it is broken with panic.)

Penelope: "I- Thi- Those were private matters that have been 
                    dealt with for a long time now."
                   "Th- There is no need to bring it into relevance." 
                   "How did you get ahold of this information?"

Mari: "You know I have just as many eyes as you do when it comes
            to spying."
           "Me finding out the truth was inevitable."
(More silence occurs, the bunny appears shock)

Mari:  "Aww, are you embarrassed?"
           "There's no need to be, we're all sinners in this cult of ours
              and you should start living by those rules more 
            "Shame I never I got to properly meet her, but I'm sure she
              she was quite the nuisance for you." 
             "But hey, you can't blame her after you declared that she 
              may never see her family again."


(End of chat log)  


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